Startup - ISLUNCH

Building loyalty program for local restaurants.

Engage, interact with your customers and build loyalty using ISLUNCH


IsLunch is a startup based in California. The app enable users to order ahead for pickup or scan and pay in store, built with loyalty program to help local restaurants interact with customers.

My Contribution

I am the only designer and created branding, style guides from scratch. I also redesigned onboarding, ordering, referral program, loyalty program workflow.

My Role

  • UX Research: Comparative Analysis, Stakeholders Interviews
  • UX Design: High Fidelity Prototyping, Branding, Style Guide
  • Front End Developing: Home page, Referral page


Summer 2021 - Research, design, develop

Tool used

Figma, Flutter


    Homepage/Events Page/Refferal Page

    first time user guide

    Onboarding Experience

    The app is still in the phase of promoting and increasing new users by giving out member discount/first time user discount.

    increase user retention

    The first day users downloads the app is the most important day to make good impression and motivate them to keep using the app. Smooth onboarding experience can helps guide  users through and familiarize them with the app.

    Content marketing

    Showcase what users could enjoy in app by emphasize the reward users will receive.

    Loyalty program

    Reward Workflow

    I prioritized and redesigned the reward workflow because it is their selling point to attract users to use the app.


    The app was showing a list of coupons followed by a list of rewards on top of a list of menu items originally. I redesigned the coupon workflow and reward workflow to make the menu clear for users to order, and put rewards on reward card with a show more button. By doing so, we not only avoid information overload but also divide different purpose of information to different spaces.

    LOyalty Program

    Order/Coupon Workflow

    I prioritized and redesigned the ordering/applying coupon workflow because it is the main function of the app.


    The app was showing a list of coupons followed by a list of rewards on top of a list of menu items originally. I redesigned the coupon workflow and reward workflow to make the menu clear for users to order, and emphasized coupon available under "add to cart" button. By doing so, we not only avoid information overload but also divide different purpose of information to different spaces.

    Before: Coupon list + Reward List + Menu
    Before: repetitive steps for Coupon workflow

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    Web Design / Internship


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    WEb Design / internship


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